Conflict of Wings is a 1954 British comedy drama film directed by John Eldridge and starring John Gregson, Muriel Pavlow and Kieron Moore. The film is based on a novel of the same title by Don Sharp who later became a noted director. Villagers in Norfolk rally to prevent the RAF from attempting to use an island for target practice.
Fuss Over Feathers (1954)
Directed by John Eldridge
Genres - Comedy, Comedy Drama, Drama |
Sub-Genres - Comedy Drama |
Release Date - Mar 29, 1954 |
Run Time - 84 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Aviation, Beaconsfield Film Studios, Norfolk, Over Feathers, Ray Simm, Sharp
Based On: based on novels
Narrative Location: Norfolk
Narrative Location: Norfolk
Alternate Titles
Conflict of Wings
, ZA, GB
Fuss Over Feathers