Albatross is a 2011 British coming-of-age comedy drama film directed by Niall MacCormick and written by Tamzin Rafn. It stars Sebastian Koch, Julia Ormond, Felicity Jones and Jessica Brown Findlay. The film's premise revolves around a teenage aspiring writer entering the lives of a dysfunctional family living in the south coast of England. "Albatross" is a metaphor used to describe a constant and inescapable burden.
The film was shot entirely on the Isle of Man with the support of the Island's government. It is MacCormick's feature film debut, having previously made his name in television. Also making her debut was screenwriter Tamzin Rafn. Rafn based the script on her own experiences as a rebellious teenager.
Albatross premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in June 2011. It was released in the United Kingdom on 14 October 2011. While the film has gathered mixed reviews, Brown Findlay has received near-universal praise for her performance.