Zombies of the Stratosphere

Zombies of the Stratosphere (1952)

Genres - Action-Adventure, Science Fiction  |   Release Date - Jul 16, 1952  |   Run Time - 167 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - NR
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Zombies of the Stratosphere is a 1952 black and white Republic Studios serial directed by Fred C. Brannon, with a screenplay by Ronald Davidson, and special effects by Republic's Lydecker brothers. It was intended to be Republic's second serial featuring "new hero" Commando Cody and the third 12-chapter serial featuring the rocket-powered flying jacket and helmet introduced in King of the Rocket Men (1949). Instead, for reasons unknown, the hero was renamed "Larry Martin", who must prevent Martian invaders from using a hydrogen bomb to blow Earth out of its orbit, so that the Martians can move a dying Mars into a much closer orbital position to the Sun. As in Radar Men from the Moon, much of the screen time for each of the dozen chapters is spent on fistfights and car chases between the heroes and a gang of earthly crooks hired by renegade scientist Dr. Harding and his extraterrestrial colleague Marex to steal and stockpile the Atomic supplies needed for construction of the H-bomb.

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Boat, Creature, Man, Robot, Rocket

Alternate Titles

Des Satans Satellit
Fantasmata tis stratosfairas
Zombies of the Stratosphere
Zombis de la estratosfera
Zumbis da Estratosfera