Zindagi is a 1940 Indian film, directed by Pramathesh Barua and produced by Birendranath Sircar. Starring K. L. Saigal, Jamuna Barua, Pahari Sanyal, Shyam Laha, Sitara Devi, and Nemo, it revolves around Ratan, an unemployed university graduate, and his relationship with Shrimati, who is on the run from her cruel husband.
Zindagi (1940)
Directed by P.C. Barua
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Movie Info
Birendranath Sircar, Graduate, Husband, Indian, Jamuna Barua, K. L. Saigal, Pahari Sanyal, Pramathesh Barua, Ratan, Shrimati, Unemployed, University
Alternate Titles