She was billed “The Ninth Wonder of the World”- Joanie Laurer aka Chyna. As a World Wrestling Federation star (now World Wrestling Entertainment aka WWE), Chyna was a seemingly unstoppable force, an Amazonian warrior who went where women were not supposed to go, smashing through the glass ceiling and slaying her opponents. But after her abrupt dismissal from the WWE and losing the rights to her name, Chyna’s world slowly began to crumble. Attempting to navigate the loss of her career as well as cope with unhealed childhood trauma, drugs entered the star’s life. Chyna pivoted to participating in reality shows such as The Surreal Life and Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, released adult movies, taught English in Japan and joined the Mormon church.
In 2015, Chyna’s close circle began filming the star with the intent of making a documentary called The Reconstruction of Chyna. The film was meant to be her epic comeback, capturing the reunion between Chyna and her estranged mother, an exotic spiritual journey and her pursuit to be inducted in The WWE Hall of Fame, but Chyna passed away during filming and the project was never completed. As VICE VERSA: Chyna will reveal, those in her inner circle had their own interests and demons that were in play as well.