Vernon, Florida is a 1981 American documentary film produced and directed by Errol Morris profiling various residents living within the town of Vernon, Florida. Originally titled Nub City, this follow-up to Gates of Heaven initially focused on residents of the Southern town who cut off their own limbs as a way to collect insurance money. After Morris's life was threatened by the subjects of the film, he re-worked Nub City into Vernon, Florida.

Vernon, Florida (1981)
Directed by Errol Morris
Genres - Documentary |
Release Date - Oct 8, 1981 |
Run Time - 55 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
City, Eccentric, Florida, Nub City, Resident, Small Town, Town, Vernon, Village
Narrative Location: Florida
Alternate Titles
Vernon, Florida