Up There is a 2011 British feature film comedy-drama, written and directed by Zam Salim and starring Burn Gorman, Kate O'Flynn, Aymen Hamdouchi, Chris Waitt, Jo Hartley and Warren Brown. It is financed by the UK Film Council, BBC and Creative Scotland. It is based on Salim's short film "Laid Off". The film had its world premiere at the International Film Festival of Mannheim-Heidelberg on 18 November 2011. It won the award for Best Feature Film at the 2012 British Academy Scotland Awards, and was broadcast on BBC Two in August 2015.
Up There (2012)
Directed by Zam Salim
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Box Office
Afterlife, Bbc World
Alternate Titles
Laid Off
, GB
Up There