Turquoise Rose is a 2007 independent drama film co-written and directed by Holt Hamilton that takes place in the Navajo Nation. Turquoise Rose was filmed primarily in the Navajo Nation in Fort Defiance, Arizona, as well as in Phoenix, Arizona. The film is one of the only American films to feature an indigenous Native American lead role for an actress, played by Navajo actress Natasha Kaye Johnson.
Turquoise Rose (2007)
Directed by Travis Holt Hamilton
Genres - Drama |
Release Date - Jun 28, 2007 |
Run Time - 94 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Arizona, Independent, Native American, Navajo, Navajo Nation, Place, Rose
Narrative Location: Arizona, Fort Defiance
Subject: about Native s
Subject: about Native s
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
Turquoise Rose