Troops is a 1997 short mockumentary film directed by Kevin Rubio that debuted at San Diego Comic-Con on July 18, 1997 and was subsequently distributed via the internet. The film is a parody of COPS, set in the Star Wars universe. In the film, Imperial stormtroopers from the infamous Black Sheep Squadron patrolling the Dune Sea on the planet Tatooine run into some very familiar characters while being filmed for the hit Imperial TV show Troops. In a Reddit AMA in January 2018, Rubio stated that Troops is acknowledged by George Lucas as a canonical installment in the Star Wars franchise.

Troops (1997)
Directed by Kevin Rubio
Genres - Comedy, Science Fiction |
Sub-Genres - Mockumentary |
Release Date - Jul 18, 1997 |
Run Time - 10 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Based On: Cops, Fan based on Star Wars, Star Wars
Narrative Location: Tatooine
Narrative Location: Tatooine
Alternate Titles