Tosun Paşa is a 1976 Turkish comedy film, directed by Kartal Tibet and written by Yavuz Turgul. It starred Kemal Sunal, in his trademark character role of Şaban, as a butler who poses as the governor-general of Ottoman-ruled Egypt in an attempt to settle a dispute between two noble families over a lucrative parcel of land called The Green Valley. The film, which went on nationwide general release across Turkey on February 1, 1976, is one of the most popular productions from Ertem Eğilmez's Arzu Film and is particularly remembered for its musical score.
Tosun Pasa (1976)
Directed by Kartal Tibet
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Ottoman-ruled Egypt, The Green Valley
Narrative Location: Egypt
Alternate Titles
Tosun Pasa
, TR