Toots is a documentary film which outlines the life of Toots Shor (1903–1977), Manhattan's premier saloonkeeper from the year 1940 to the year 1959. At 18, he relocated from South Philadelphia to New York and became a speakeasy bouncer. In 1940, he opened his restaurant, Toots Shor's at 51 West 51st St., which was frequented by sports heroes, actors, mobsters, cops, politicians, visiting dignitaries, and writers. The film is commentated by Shor's daughter, Frank Gifford, Peter Duchin, former sports writers, and others as the filmmaker mixes still photographs, archive footage, including an appearance on "This Is Your Life," and an audio-tape interview from 1975 to present a portrait of New York during and after Prohibition and of a lovable, larger-than-life, uniquely New York public figure.

Toots (2007)
Directed by Kristi Jacobson
Genres - Documentary |
Release Date - Sep 14, 2007 |
Run Time - 84 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Author, New York, Shor, Sport, Writer
Subject: Documentary about New York City, New York City
Alternate Titles
Toots Shor: Bigger Than Life
, US