Tong Tana: A Journey to the Heart of Borneo is a 1989 Swedish documentary film about the Penan people of Sarawak, Borneo, a federal state of Malaysia, and their struggle to protect their tropical rainforest. Central to the film is the story of Swiss environmental activist, Bruno Manser, who was targeted by the Malaysian government for protesting the lumber industry's logging operations. Ten years later, the TV crew returned to the area and filmed Tong Tana: The Lost Paradise, which documented their struggle to protect what was left after their homeland was logged.
Tong Tana - En resa till Borneos inre (1989)
Directed by Björn Cederberg / Kristian Petri / Fredrik von Krusenstjerna / Jan Röed
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Federal State, Sarawak, State Of Malaysia
Narrative Location: Indonesia
Alternate Titles
Tong Tana
Tong Tana - Das verlorene Paradies
Tong Tana - En rejse til Borneos indre
Tong Tana - en Resa Till Borneos Inre
Tong Tana - En resa till Borneos inre
Tong Tana - matka Borneon sademetsiin