Time Gentlemen, Please! is a 1952 British comedy film directed by Lewis Gilbert and written by Val Valentine and Peter Blackmore. The cast includes Eddie Byrne, Jane Barrett and Raymond Lovell. It was produced by Group 3 Films with funding from the NFFC and distributed by ABPC. It was shot at Southall Studios and on location at Thaxted in Essex. The film's sets were designed by the art director Michael Stringer. The film is based on the 1946 novel Nothing to Lose by R.J. Minney.
Time, Gentlemen, Please! (1952)
Directed by Lewis Gilbert
Genres - Comedy |
Release Date - Jul 1, 1952 |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Abpc, Essex, Michael Stringer, Nffc, Southall Studios, Thaxted
Narrative Location: Essex
Alternate Titles
Time, Gentlemen, Please!