The Wacky World of Mother Goose is a 1967 animated musical fantasy film made by Rankin/Bass, written by Romeo Muller and directed by Jules Bass based on Charles Perrault's stories and nursery rhymes. The movie is the first cel animated theatrical feature by Rankin and Bass. It features Humpty Dumpty, the Old Woman Who Lives in a Shoe, and the Crooked Man. Mother Goose is voiced by Margaret Rutherford in her final film role.
The Wacky World of Mother Goose (1968)
Directed by Jules Bass
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Bass, Crooked Man, Feature, Footwear, Humpty Dumpty, Mother, Nursery, Old Woman, Rankin, Report, Tale, Villain, Wacky World Of Mother Goose
Alternate Titles
The Wacky World of Mother Goose