The Viking Watch of the Danish Seaman

The Viking Watch of the Danish Seaman (1948)

Genres - Drama, War  |   Release Date - Mar 30, 1948  |   Run Time - 105 min.  |  
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Description by Wikipedia

The Viking Watch of the Danish Seaman is a 1948 Danish war drama directed by Bodil Ipsen and Lau Lauritzen Jr. The film, known alternatively as Perilous Expedition or its literal title translation Steady stands the Danish sailor, written by Grete Frische based upon the wartime diary of Kaj Frische, tells the true story of Danish sailors who sailed with the Allied forces during the German occupation of Denmark in World War II. It stars Poul Reichhardt and Lisbeth Movin. The film received the Bodil Award for Best Danish Film in 1949.

Movie Info


Best Danish Film, Sailor

Alternate Titles

De satte livet inn
Med livet som insats
Stoet staar den danske soemand
Støt staar den danske sømand
Støt står den danske sømand
, DK
The Viking Watch of the Danish Seaman
, US