The Thriller is a 2010 Indian Malayalam-language crime thriller film written and directed by B. Unnikrishnan. It stars Prithviraj Sukumaran, Catherine Tresa, Siddique, Lalu Alex, Prajin, Mallika Kapoor, and Sampath Raj in pivotal roles. It was released on 17 November. Later on, it was dubbed in Hindi under the same title. The film is based on the murder case of renowned banker Paul Muthoot, who was murdered in 2009.
The Thriller (2010)
Directed by B. Unnikrishnan
Genres - Crime, Drama, Thriller |
Sub-Genres - Police Procedural |
Release Date - Nov 17, 2010 |
Run Time - 140 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Indian, Katherine Theresa
Alternate Titles
Police Veta
The Thriller