The Studio is an upcoming American comedy series created by Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, Peter Huyck, Alex Gregory, and Frida Perez, and will star Rogen, Catherine O'Hara, Kathryn Hahn, Ike Barinholtz, and Chase Sui Wonders. The series is set to be released on Apple TV+ with the first two episodes on March 26, 2025.
The Studio (2025)
Directed by Evan Goldberg / Seth Rogen
Genres - Comedy |
Release Date - Mar 26, 2025 |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Artist, Breathe, Catastrophe, Decision, Executive, Head, Insecurity, Matt, Meaning, Meeting, Occasion, Success, Team
Alternate Titles
The Studio
Untitled Seth Rogen/Apple TV+ Project