The Stalker's Apprentice is a single British television crime drama film, based on the novel by author M.S. Power, that was the first broadcast on ITV on 25 May 1998. The film stars Gideon Turner as Marcus Walwyn, a book editor who is driven to murder after reading a draft novel composed by Helmut Kranze, a former serial killer recently released from prison who is writing under a pseudonym. The film follows Walwyn as he embarks on a series of murders relating to Karen Scott, a young woman that he meets on the train to work, and the subsequent police investigation by D.I. Maurice Birt, commander of the local police force.
The Stalker's Apprentice (1998)
Directed by Marcus D.F. White
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Marcus Walwyn
Time Period: 1990s
Alternate Titles
The Stalker's Apprentice