The Pot Carriers is a 1962 British comedy-drama film directed by Peter Graham Scott and produced by Gordon Scott for ABPC. It stars Ronald Fraser, Paul Massie, Carole Lesley and Dennis Price. The film is largely set in Wandsworth prison and is a remake of the ITV Play of the Week: The Pot Carriers (1960), which writer Mike Watts based on his own prison experiences. The film centres around a young prisoner called Rainbow as he struggles to adjust to his first stretch behind bars.
The Pot Carriers (1962)
Directed by Peter Graham Scott
Genres - Comedy, Comedy Drama, Crime, Drama |
Sub-Genres - Comedy Drama, Prison Film |
Release Date - May 18, 1962 |
Run Time - 84 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Pot Carriers
Narrative Location: London
Alternate Titles
Die Küchenbullen
The Pot Carriers