The Piper's Price is a 1917 silent drama film directed by Joe De Grasse and starring Lon Chaney, William Stowell and Dorothy Phillips. It was the first in a series of films co-starring William Stowell and Dorothy Phillips together. The screenplay was written by Ida May Park, based on the short story by Nancy Mann Waddel Woodrow. The film was released in the U.K. as Storm and Sunshine. The film is today considered lost. A still exists showing Lon Chaney in the role of Billy Kilmartin.
The Piper's Price (1917)
Directed by Joseph De Grasse
Genres - Drama, Silent Film |
Sub-Genres - Silent Feature, Silent Film |
Release Date - Jan 8, 1917 |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Alternate Titles
Hans to hustruer
The Piper's Price