The Occult History of the Third Reich, narrated by Patrick Allen and directed by Dave Flitton, is a 1991 four-part History Channel documentary film regarding the occult influences and history of Nazi Germany and early 20th century Germany.
The Occult History of the Third Reich (1992)
Directed by Dave Flitton / Tracy Atkinson / Joan Baran
Genres - Documentary, History |
Release Date - Nov 14, 2006 |
Run Time - 155 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Germany, History Channel, Influence, Nazi Germany, Occult History Of The Third Reich
Subject: Documentary about Nazi y
Alternate Titles
Kolmannen valtakunnan okkultistinen historia
Kolmas valtakunta ja okkultismi
La oculta historia del III Reich
The Occult History of the Third Reich