The Next of Kin, also known as Next of Kin, is a 1942 Second World War propaganda film produced by Ealing Studios. The film was originally commissioned by the British War Office as a training film to promote the government message that "Careless talk costs lives". After being taken on by Ealing Studios, the project was expanded and given a successful commercial release. After the war and up until at least the mid 1960s, services in British Commonwealth countries continued to use The Next of Kin as part of security training. The film's title is derived from the phrase "the next of kin have been informed" as used by radio announcers when reporting on the loss of personnel in action.

The Next of Kin (1942)
Directed by Thorold Dickinson
Genres - Drama, Mystery-Suspense, Spy Film, Thriller, War |
Sub-Genres - Propaganda Film, Spy |
Release Date - May 15, 1942 |
Run Time - 102 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Next Of Kin
Subject: World War II
Alternate Titles
Alguém Falou...
Alguien habló
Next of Kin
Tavshed - fjenden lytter
The Next of Kin