The Map Reader is a New Zealand drama film, directed, written and edited by Harold Brodie and released in 2008. It was produced by John Davies for Arkles Entertainment and distributed by Beamafilm. The action is set in Kaipara Harbour and Rodney District, North Island. It is a coming-of-age story, which follows Michael, a socially awkward teenager. He lives with his mother Amelia, a heavy drinking single parent. Michael's hobby is studying maps, while his love interests are blind woman Mary and his classmate Alison. Soper won Best Supporting Actress in a Feature Film at the 2009 New Zealand film and television awards. Producer John Davies was nominated for Best Feature Film – budget under $1 million and Brodie was nominated for Best Editing in a Feature Film at the same ceremony.
The Map Reader (2008)
Directed by Harold Brodie
Genres - Drama |
Release Date - Oct 18, 2008 |
Run Time - 90 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Box Office
Feature Film, New Zealand
Filming Location: shot in
Alternate Titles
The Map Reader