The Man Whose Mind Exploded is a 2012 documentary film directed by Toby Amies. The film depicts the strange, complicated, and hilarious relationship between Toby and Brighton eccentric, Drako Oho Zarharzar. It was first premiered at the Sheffield Doc/Fest and pitched in the 2008 MeetMarket, and was also shown at the Cork Film Festival, Revelation Perth International Film Festival, Cambridge Film Festival, Brighton's Cinecity Festival, and was an official selection at the East End Film Festival.
The Man Whose Mind Exploded started life as a BBC Radio 4 programme described by Miranda Sawyer in The Observer as the best documentary of 2008. The reception to it was so positive that the director was encouraged to turn it into a film. The film was produced by Rob Alexander, Kat Mansoor, and Toby Amies. Executive producers were Daisy Asquith and Dunstan Bruce while the editing was done by Jim Scott.