The Making of a New Empire is a 95-minute documentary film by film director Jos de Putter and produced by Jura Films. The film portrays Khozh-Ahmed Noukhaev as the founder of a Moscow-based underground movement, which later became known as the Chechen mafia. The film explores Noukhaev's cultural background and his ideas about Chechenya's future. After its release in 1999, the film was nominated for the Golden Calf for best long documentary and was selected for the competition programs of several leading documentary film festivals across the globe, including Hot Docs and IDFA.
The Making of a New Empire (1999)
Directed by Jos de Putter
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Ahmed Noukhaev, Chechenya, Golden Calf, Hot Docs, Idfa, Jura Films, Khozh-ahmed Noukhaev, Moscow
Subject: Documentary about organized crime in Russia
Alternate Titles
The Making of a New Empire
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