The Lone Wolf in London is a 1947 American mystery crime film directed by Leslie Goodwins and starring Gerald Mohr, Nancy Saunders and Eric Blore. The picture features the fictional Scotland Yard detective the Lone Wolf who travels to London, and solves the mystery of some missing jewels. It was the penultimate Lone Wolf film, followed by The Lone Wolf and His Lady in 1949, and the last for Mohr in the lead role.
The Lone Wolf in London (1947)
Directed by Leslie Goodwins
Genres - Action-Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Mystery-Suspense |
Release Date - Oct 16, 1947 |
Run Time - 68 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
London, Lone Wolf, The Lone Wolf
Narrative Location: London
Alternate Titles
Den ensomme ulv i London
Los ojos del Nilo
O Lobo Solitário em Londres
The Lone Wolf in London