The Last Play at Shea is a 2010 American documentary film written by Mark Monroe, directed by Paul Crowder, produced by Steve Cohen and Nigel Sinclair, in conjunction with Billy Joel's Maritime Pictures and Spitfire Films. The film is centered on Billy Joel's 2008 concerts of the same name that occurred at Shea Stadium. The shows were staged on July 16 and 18, 2008, before a combined 110,000 fans, and were the last performances ever to play the historic stadium before it was demolished. The film debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 26, 2010. The film was released on DVD on February 8, 2011. The CD and DVD from the show were released on March 8, 2011, by Sony.
The Last Play at Shea (2010)
Directed by Jon Small / Paul Crowder
Genres - Biography, Documentary, History, Music |
Release Date - Apr 25, 2010 |
Run Time - 90 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Last Play At Shea, Long Island, Shea Stadium
Alternate Titles
The Last Play At Shea
The Last Play at Shea