The Golden Blaze is a 2005 American animated superhero film written by Archie Gips and directed by Bryon E. Carson. The feature, starring the voices of Blair Underwood and Michael Clarke Duncan, had a limited theatrical run making it the second flash animation ever to be theatrically released, after Mexico's Magos y Gigantes in 2003, and the first in the United States. The film is animated and stylized like a comic book. It also took top honors at the prestigious 2005 Giffoni International Film Festival.
The Golden Blaze (2005)
Directed by Bryon E. Carson
Genres - Animation, Family, Fantasy |
Sub-Genres - Superhero Film |
Release Date - May 10, 2005 |
Run Time - 87 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - G
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
E. Carson, Gigantes, Golden Blaze, International Film Festival, Magos, Mexico, United States
Alternate Titles
The Golden Blaze