The Girl of the Canal

The Girl of the Canal (1945)

Genres - Drama  |   Release Date - Aug 28, 1945  |   Run Time - 63 min.  |  
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Description by Wikipedia

Painted Boats is a British drama film directed by Charles Crichton and released by Ealing Studios in 1945. Painted Boats, one of the lesser-known Ealing films of the period, is brief, uses a little-known cast and has a slight storyline. It is however considered significant by waterways enthusiasts as a fictionalised documentary, providing a rare extensive filmic depiction of a long-gone way of life on England's working canal system in the 1940s. The narration was by Louis MacNeice, including some verse specially written to suit the onscreen action, most notably the sequence in which the narrow boat is being 'legged' through one of the tunnels. Much background information on canals and suggestions for suitable filming locations were provided by the writer L. T. C. Rolt, who also provided the title, and who records in his autobiography that he was disappointed to find that his name had not been included in the film's credits.

Movie Info




Narrative Location: England
Subject: World War II

Alternate Titles

Painted Boats
The Girl of the Canal