The Fruit Machine

The Fruit Machine (1988)

Genres - Comedy Drama, Drama  |   Sub-Genres - LGBT-Related Film  |   Release Date - Jan 1, 1988  |   Run Time - 103 min.  |   MPAA Rating - R
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Description by Wikipedia

The Fruit Machine is a 1988 British film thriller starring Tony Forsyth, Emile Charles, Bruce Payne and Robbie Coltrane in the role of "Annabelle." The film, which was directed by BAFTA-winner Philip Saville, is about two gay teen friends who are running from an underworld assassin and the police. It was produced by UK TV company Granada Productions. The film showcases the rising careers of actors Coltrane and Payne, as well as a future Academy Award winner, composer Hans Zimmer, who wrote the soundtrack.

Movie Info


Academy Awards, Brighton, Charles, Coltrane, Coming Of Age/Teen, Dolphin, Friendship, Fruit Machine, Gay, Hans Zimmer, Liverpool, Male Prostitute, Murder, Payne, Runaway, Tv Company Granada Productions, United Kingdom, United States


Narrative Location: Brighton

Alternate Titles

Fruit machine, breve la vita di Eddie
The Fruit Machine
The Fruit Machine - Rendezvous mit einem Killer
, DE, US