The Beano Videostars is a direct-to-video animated film based on The Beano, originally released on VHS on 17 October 1994 and also broadcast as a television special on ITV. The video is a sequel to The Beano Video, and features an expanded cast of characters, including Dennis the Menace and Gnasher, Minnie the Minx, the Bash Street Kids, Billy Whizz, the Three Bears, and Ivy the Terrible. It was produced and directed by Terry Ward at Flicks Films Ltd, with voices provided by Susan Sheridan, Kate Robbins, Enn Reitel, Gary Martin and Jonathan Kydd, along with newcomers Alex Patterson, Mark Pickard, Jill Shilling and Nicola Stapleton.
The Beano VideoStars (1994)
Directed by Terry Ward
Description by Wikipedia
Alternate Titles
The Beano VideoStars