Tendlya is a 2023 Marathi-language comedy drama film directed by Sachin J Jadhav and Nachiket Waikar Music by Bhanu Dhande. The film starring Adwaita Jadhav, Sambhaji Tangde, Ankita Yadav, Vitthal Nagnath Kale, Ketan Visal and Firoz Shaikh. The film won the National Film Award for Best Audiography at India's 66th National Film Awards. It was theatrically released on 5 May 2023.
Tendlya (2018)
Directed by Nachiket Waikar / SachinJJadhav
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
66th National Film Awards, Best Audiography, Bhanu Dhande, India, Marathi-language, Nachiket Waikar Music, National Film Award
Alternate Titles