The Frog Prince is a 1971 musical fantasy comedy television special directed by Jim Henson, and jointly produced by Robert Lawrence Productions in Canada and Muppets, Inc. in the United States. It is a retelling of the Brothers Grimm's classic fairy tale of "The Frog Prince" featuring Kermit the Frog as the narrator, Kermit's nephew Robin as Sir Robin the Frog Prince, and Sweetums. This special marked the debut of both Robin and Sweetums to the world of The Muppets.
Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince (1971)
Directed by Jim Henson
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Kermit, Robin, Special
Based On: based on Grimms' Fairy Tales
Subject: about frogs, about witchcraft
Subject: about frogs, about witchcraft
Alternate Titles
El prÃncipe rana
Froske Prinsen
The Frog Prince
, US
Um Conto dos Marretas: O PrÃncipe Sapo