Swami is a 2007 Indian Hindi drama film, directed and choreographed by Ganesh Acharya with screenplay by Bhavani Iyer and Muazzam Beg. The main cast consists of Juhi Chawla and Manoj Bajpai. In a first of its kind attempt, the background music score of Swami was recorded before shooting the film. The music of this film is by Nitz 'N' Sony. They are the first musicians to have recorded a Folk Ganpati Mandal, live in 5.1 channels, overnight in an open-air makeshift studio, constructed specifically in Film City Mumbai for the movie. This is the only 5.1 recording of a Folk Ganpati Mandal ever done. The film was released to negative reviews.
Swami (2007)
Directed by Ganesh Acharya
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
Folk Ganpati Mandal