Sunset in Wyoming is a 1941 American western film directed by William Morgan and starring Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, George Cleveland, and Maris Wrixon. Based on a story by Joe Blair, the film is about a singing cowboy who goes up against a lumber company clearcutting the timber from a local mountain causing catastrophic flooding and endangering the lives of valley ranchers. The film features the songs "There's a Home in Wyomin'" and "Sing Me a Song of the Saddle".
Sunset in Wyoming (1941)
Directed by William Morgan
Genres - Western |
Sub-Genres - Western Film |
Release Date - Jul 15, 1941 |
Run Time - 65 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Song Of The Saddle, Timber, Wyoming
Alternate Titles
Sunset in Wyoming