Storefront Hitchcock

Storefront Hitchcock (1998)

Genres - Documentary  |   Release Date - Mar 27, 1998  |   Run Time - 77 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - PG-13
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Storefront Hitchcock is a 1998 American concert film featuring Robyn Hitchcock and directed by Jonathan Demme. It was conceived as "a document not a documentary", and the performance was shot in New York City in December 1996, in an abandoned used clothing store on 14th Street. Over the course of the performance, simple props and set pieces are varied, such as a bare lightbulb and a tomato sculpture, and occasionally a passerby on the street glances in.

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Audience, British, Music, New York, Singer

Alternate Titles

O Pόμπιν Xίτσκοκ στη βιτρίνα
Storefront Hitchcock
Vitrine Para Hitchcock
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