Soojidara is a 2019 Indian Kannada language drama film written and directed by Mounish Badiger, making his debut into Sandalwood. It is jointly produced by Sachidran Aathnayak and Abijith Kotegar under the banner Cine Sneha Talkies. It features Haripriya and Yashwanth Shetty in the lead roles; Yashwanth is making his debut as a lead actor with the film. The supporting cast includes Achyuth Kumar, Suchendra Prasad, and Chaitra Kootoor. The films background score was composed by S. Pradeep Varman and the soundtrack was composed by Bhinna Shadja and the cinematography was handled by Ashok V. Raman and editing was done by Mohan L. Rangakhale.
Soojidaara (2019)
Directed by Mounesh Badiger
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Movie Info
Abijith Kotegar, Ashok V. Raman, Bhinna Shadja, Chaitra Kootoor, Mohan, Mounish Badiger, Pradeep Varman, Sachidran Aathnayak, Yashwanth Shetty
Alternate Titles