Something in the Air is a 2002 Brazilian drama film directed by Helvécio Ratton. It is based on the actual history about Rádio Favela, a community radio broadcaster established in Aglomerado da Serra, a favela of Belo Horizonte in the 1980s. It shows how it was persecuted by the police while four friends try to keep the radio. Alexandre Moreno, Adolfo Moura, Babu Santana and Benjamim Abras were chosen to star the film after 3,000 people tried for their roles. It was shot in Aglomerado da Serra and used about 300 of the local people as extras.
Something in the Air (2002)
Directed by Helvécio Ratton
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Aglomerado, Da Serra, People
Based On: Drama based on actual events
Time Period: 1980s
Time Period: 1980s
Alternate Titles
Eimaste ston aera
Radio Favela
Uma Onda No Ar