Sisters in Resistance is a television documentary directed by Maia Wechsler initially released in France on October 25, 2002 and later premiered on PBS in the United States on April 29, 2003. It centers four young French women who fought against the German occupation of France during World War II who tell their stories of arrest and deportation to Ravensbrück concentration camp. The film is narrated by Kate Mulgrew, and stars Geneviève de Gaulle Anthonioz, Jacqueline Péry d'Alincourt, Germaine Tillion, and Anise Postel-Vinay as themselves.
Soeurs en résistance (2001)
Directed by Maia Wechsler
Genres - Biography, Documentary |
Sub-Genres - Biographical Film |
Release Date - Jun 15, 2001 |
Run Time - 60 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Academy Award, Battle, Best Documentary, Cinema Film Festival, France, Outstanding Documentary, Profession, Resistance, Screening Committee, Second World War, Sister, Tale, Woman
Narrative Location: France, set in France
Subject: about the Resistance, Documentary about the Holocaust, The Holocaust, World War II
Subject: about the Resistance, Documentary about the Holocaust, The Holocaust, World War II
Alternate Titles
Soeurs en résistance
, US