Silk Hat Kid is a 1935 American crime film directed by H. Bruce Humberstone and written by Edward Eliscu, Lou Breslow and Dore Schary. The film, starring Lew Ayres, Mae Clarke, Paul Kelly, Ralf Harolde, William Harrigan and Billy Lee, was released on July 19, 1935, by 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation.
Silk Hat Kid (1935)
Directed by H. Bruce Humberstone
Genres - Action-Adventure, Crime, Drama, Romance |
Release Date - Jul 19, 1935 |
Run Time - 68 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Bodyguard, Bruce Humberstone, Hat Kid, Mother Son Relationship
Alternate Titles
Silk Hat Kid
The Lord's Referee
, US