Sherman's March is a 2007 American Civil War television docudrama film first aired on the History Channel, which describes the titular March to the Sea of the Union Army led by William Tecumseh Sherman, and the ensuing Campaign of the Carolinas which ended the war. The film was directed by Rick King and narrated by Edward Herrmann. Sherman's campaign became the mythic symbol of the Civil War's destruction; the film's opening sequence poses the question "Sherman: Terrorist or Savior?".
Sherman's March (2007)
Directed by Rick King
Genres - Documentary, History, War |
Release Date - Apr 22, 2007 |
Run Time - 94 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
American Civil War, Atlanta, Carolinas, Civil War, Independent, Sherman, William Tecumseh Sherman
Subject: Documentary about the Civil War
Alternate Titles
Sherman's March