Shella Record: A Reggae Mystery

Shella Record: A Reggae Mystery (2019)

Genres - Documentary, Music  |   Release Date - Nov 10, 2019  |   Run Time - 83 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - NR
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Description by Studio

Artist and vinyl fanatic Chris Flanagan becomes haunted by a lost singer’s voice after discovering an incredible junk shop record. He embarks on a quest to find her from Toronto, to Kingston Jamaica and all across America enlisting the help of psychics, private investigators and a ghost hunter on a surreal adventure. SHELLA RECORD ‒ A REGGAE MYSTERY is a meditation on the power of music and obsession, blurring fact and fiction through the use of Flanagan’s creative studio built models and fantastical recreations.

Movie Info


America, Artist, Fanatic, Ghost, Hunter, Inquirer, Investigator, Jamaica, Kingston, Lost, Meditation, Model, Music, Psychic, Researcher, Singer, Store, Toronto

Alternate Titles

Shella Record: A Reggae Mystery