Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics

Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics (2010)

Genres - Documentary, History  |   Release Date - Nov 9, 2010  |   Run Time - 90 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - NR
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Description by Studio

Behind the amazing tales of legendary super heroes is the equally amazing story of the company that told them. So many heroes, so many stories to tell--stories of DC Comics' 75 years of challenges, creativity and triumph. This DC Comics Original Documentary is both a compelling insider's tale and a celebration seen through the inkwell of those who created and lived it, balanced with insights from key historians and filled with interviews, archival footage and a dazzling parade of riveting and splashy DC covers. From the bans to the breakthroughs, from humble pulp beginnings to the literary rise of the graphic novel, the story holds a mirror to an ever-evolving enterprise and the society reflected in its comic book pages. It's an American story.

Movie Info


Comic Book, Comics, Dc Comics, New York, New York City, Superhero

Alternate Titles

Historia wydawnictwa DC Comics
Képregények: A DC Comics története
Origem Secreta: A História Da DC Comics
Origen secreto: La historia de DC Comics
Secret Origin: The Story Of DC Comics
Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics
Untitled DC Comics Documentary
, US
Тайна происхождения: История DC Comics