Santa Claus and the Magic Drum is a 51 minute long Finnish-Hungarian animation released in 1996. The story is based on a 1995 children's book of the same name by Mauri Kunnas. The film has been recorded in Finnish, English (British) and Swedish. It was made for TV broadcasting and was first shown on Christmas Eve 1996, and has been broadcast on YLE TV2 nearly every Christmas Eve since. Santa Claus and the Magic Drum has been sold to over 40 countries.
Santa Claus and the Magic Drum (1996)
Directed by Mauri Kunnas
Genres - Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy |
Sub-Genres - Christmas Film, Christmas Specials |
Release Date - Dec 24, 1996 |
Run Time - 51 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Christmas, Santa Claus
Based On: Animated based on children's books, Santa and the magic drum
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
A Mikulás és a varázsdob
Jultomten och trolltrumman
Tomtefar och trolltrumman
Йоулупукки и бубен шамана