Rose By Any Other Name... is a 1997 American satirical romantic comedy film written, produced, directed by and starring Kyle Schickner. The plot and title are loosely based on William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the film is set in the US around the turn of the 21st century, gently poking fun at life, manners, morals as well as the tensions within the modern LGBT and liberal communities.
Rose by Any Other Name... (1997)
Directed by Kyle Schickner
Genres - Comedy, Comedy Drama |
Sub-Genres - LGBT-Related Film, Romantic Comedy |
Release Date - Jan 1, 1997 |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Juliet, Lesbian Gay Bisexual/pansexual And Transgender Peo, Romeo, Shakespeare
Subject: LGBTQ
Alternate Titles
Rose by Any Other Name...