Red Nightmare is the best-known title of the 1962 Armed Forces Information Film (AFIF) 120, Freedom and You. Made for the Department of Defense, the short film was produced to mold public opinion against communism. The film was later released to American television and as an educational film to American schools under the Red Nightmare title.
Red Nightmare (1962)
Directed by George Waggner
Genres - Drama, Science Fiction, War |
Sub-Genres - Propaganda Film |
Release Date - Feb 11, 1962 |
Run Time - 29 min. |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Armed Forces Information Film, Cold War
Subject: Cold War
Alternate Titles
Freedom and You
Red Nightmare
The Commies Are Coming, the Commies Are Coming
Красный кошмар