Ready for Love is a 1934 American romantic comedy film directed by Marion Gering and presented by Adolph Zukor for Paramount Pictures. It stars Richard Arlen, Ida Lupino, and Marjorie Rambeau. It is inspired by the play The Whipping by Eulalie Spence, based on the 1930 novel The Whipping by Roy Flanagan. The film is about school runaway Marigold Tate who "journeys to her retired aunt's home where she soon faces small-town bigotry", and falls in love with handsome newspaper editor Julian Barrow.
Ready for Love (1934)
Directed by Marion Gering
Genres - Comedy, Drama, Romance |
Sub-Genres - Romantic Comedy |
Release Date - Nov 2, 1934 |
Run Time - 77 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
The Whipping
Based On: based on novels
Alternate Titles
Amade Baraye Eshgh
Ready for Love
Surpresas de Cupido