Raising Genius

Raising Genius (2004)

Genres - Comedy, Drama  |   Release Date - Mar 10, 2004  |   Run Time - 83 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - R
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Raising Genius is a 2004 American comedy film written by Linda Voorhees and co-directed by her with Bess Wiley. The film stars Justin Long, Wendie Malick, Ed Begley, Jr., Stephen Root, Danica McKellar, Mark DeCarlo, Tippi Hedren, Shirley Jones, Clint Howard, and Sam Huntington. It was a selection of the Paris Film Festival in Paris, France, in 2005, and also played at the Waterfront Film Festival in South Haven, Michigan in 2005.

Movie Info




Ed Begley, France, Michigan, Paris, Paris Film Festival, South Haven, Waterfront Film Festival


Subject: about mathematics

Alternate Titles

Bathroom Boy
, US
Raising Genius