Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy is a two-reel cartoon produced by Fleischer Studios and released on April 11, 1941. It was co-written by Johnny Gruelle's son, Worth. It was the first Paramount cartoon to feature Raggedy Ann. This cartoon marks the only appearances of her brother Raggedy Andy and The Camel with the Wrinkled Knees. The cartoon depicts Raggedy Ann and Andy as sweethearts as opposed to siblings in the books.
Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy (1941)
Directed by Dave Fleischer
Genres - Animation |
Sub-Genres - Animated Short |
Release Date - Apr 11, 1941 |
Run Time - 17 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Ann, Raggedy Andy, Son, Worth
Alternate Titles
Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy