Prairie Stranger is a 1941 American western film directed by Lambert Hillyer and written by Winston Miller. It is based on the 1936 novel The Medico Rides the Trail by James L. Rubel. The film stars Charles Starrett, Cliff Edwards, Patti McCarty, Forbes Murray, Frank LaRue and Archie R. Twitchell. The film was released on September 18, 1941, by Columbia Pictures. The film is the third in the "Medico" series, which includes The Medico of Painted Springs and Thunder Over the Prairie, released earlier that year.
Prairie Stranger (1941)
Directed by Lambert Hillyer
Genres - Music, Western |
Sub-Genres - Western Film |
Release Date - Sep 18, 1941 |
Run Time - 58 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
The Medico Rides
Alternate Titles
O Forasteiro da PlanÃcie
Prairie Stranger
The Medico Hits the Trail